Stephania Andrade

Born and raised in San Diego, California.
Avid people watcher.
Interests include: film, music, reading, exploring, photography, design.
Recently added biking to my interests.

At 18 I relocated to Irvine, California to attend UC Irvine. I left San Diego, along with my parents, sister, pet dog, family, and friends. I studied Sociology and Management at UCI. While there I completed a couple internships and had a part time job at UCI Arts' box office. Through it all I was able to maintain a social life and created unforgettable memories with the diverse group of people I surrounded myself with. The four years I spent in Irvine were the best and worst year of my life. Being challenged academically was no comparison to what I endured mentally and emotionally. I flourished through every experience. If given the opportunity I would not change any event in my life since it has made me the strong woman that I am now. I now find myself living in San Diego as a recent grad seeking for an opportunity to be part of a great and respectable company.